Strategy never burns

At the same time, through strategy, you gain an advantage over the competition because you work on things that will actually improve your business. Let's create the best one for you together.

You know strategic work. SWOT. Workshop on Personas. Analysis of the competition. It's brainstorming. The result was documents in a drawer. That is no longer enough for success today.

Have a strategy that goes to the heart of the matter

Don't expect a 30-page PDF document that no one wants to read or come back to.

  • Your strategy will be summed up in three sentences.
  • It tells a story.
  • You'll read the whole thing and understand it in 15 minutes.
  • It will give you a clear first 5 steps for what you should start doing today.
  • However, it is based on a lot of quantitative and qualitative data.
  • According to her, it is easy to evaluate what has been achieved.

This will be your new marketing strategy. Action. Understandable. Goes to the heart of the matter. And it is really useful to you.

House of Řezáč's approach is completely different from other web agencies. Workshops and user research forced us to think systematically about our business, and the collaboration had more impact than just creating a website. It also helped that they managed the other contractors on the project for us.

Michal Krutiš

Jiří Pech


It won't be done in a week

Not even for two. Because we need to collect and process data. We will go through a series of joint activities.

  1. We understand your business
  2. We understand your customers
  3. We find the most important opportunities to solve
  4. We plan the steps to solve them

You ask yourself... what does he mean by the opportunity? Opportunity is an unmet need, an unsolved problem, an unresolved concern... that your potential customers, partners, users or fans have. And if we solve it, you make a profit on it.

Get a better strategy with your own involvement

The myth of the heroic strategist who shuts himself in a bubble for a month and devises the perfect solution is really just a myth. Marketing strategy is a complex issue.

You know your business. As an outside contractor, we will never get as deep as you are. At the same time, we've seen hundreds of other businesses, so we'll bring you new perspectives on the situation. You don't outsource strategies. That's like outsourcing a vacation. But you don't have to be alone on it.

  • You will engage your industry experience and expertise.
  • We will add methodology, independent point of view and our experience.
  • Your cooperation will prevent us from misinterpreting the data.
  • We ensure that you are not influenced by biases when coming up with solutions

Thanks to cooperation, higher quality and richer ideas will be created -> and thus an order of magnitude better strategies.

It doesn't have to end with strategy

We will create a strategy together. According to her, you can start working that day. Or we can hang out further. We'll create a website for you, help you market your brand, or validate strategy ideas on people.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Having a new website alongside HoR at the start of the project helped us to clear up a number of question marks internally. Especially the ones that we didn't even know needed to be addressed. In addition, working together advances not only our website, but also us and our competence — we conduct interviews with customers, use new frameworks and tools. Thanks, for the support and the opportunity to learn so much from you.

Anna Handlová

marketing & PR manager, TON

We thought we knew a lot about our customers. But it was only after user research that we found out what they wanted and how to help them. Every meeting with House of Řezáč has been very enjoyable, and we've moved on and learned something new at each one. We don't have a website yet, but thanks to working with HoŘ, we have made a lot of progress in our perception of our customers, their needs and what makes sense to start doing.

Lukáš Pavlica

CEO, Forgee

With whom we participated in the creation of the strategy






It will turn out well

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