Validation of ideas

Every year, over 30,000 new products appear on the market. 95% fail. 92% of startups end within three years. Does your idea have real commercial potential?

New ideas are risky

We also like our ideas. They'll come great to us. At the same time, most of them fail. Where's the problem?

  1. People don't need to use the idea.
  2. People don't understand the idea
  3. People don't want to pay for an idea
  4. We don't earn on an idea
  5. The idea is not technically feasible

We will help you with the first three risks. The fourth is on the Excel spreadsheet. Fifth risk you need to work out with your technical colleagues.

Get confident that your idea will make money

  1. You will get quick feedback on different directions of your innovation.
  2. You will be given material for further decision on the form of the product.
  3. We will create specific recommendations and a further plan of action.

We will evaluate customer responses together and suggest next steps. All in a matter of weeks.

We designed the new mechanics of the loyalty program

The loyalty program has been a real challenge for us, mainly because it costs us a lot of money per month and doesn't bring as much benefit to our customers as we would like. That's why we turned to you, because our cooperation has always produced tangible and concrete results. Of course, your precise project management, deadlines and a clear framework are what we value highly and what we are willing to "pay extra" for. We are satisfied with the result and we also appreciate the aftercare, it is clear that you are not indifferent to how it all turns out. I'm sure we have a few more projects to come.

Jiří Švihálek

Yoggies s.r.o.

We use AI

We show ideas to customers as text. Or also as a prototype generated using AI. We do this so that they can conceive an idea and respond intuitively to it.

We have changed the direction of financial education

Cooperation with House of Rezac was great. The results surprised us - the analysis showed us a view of the reality of the market that we had not seen in our narrow focus. We'd invested a ton of money and time in products that people weren't interested in and that wouldn't help them. Now we can change direction and have a clear strategy for where it makes sense to go and why, and how we can help people live richer lives. Thank you so much!

Pavel Bednařík

Pavel Bednařík

tax consultant and finance specialist

We also use the methodology for ourselves

We spent millions on ideas that didn't make sense. Today we validate ideas... and then we only put energy into implementation. We have verified over 20 ideas in the last 3 months. Further, we have elaborated only two. The key to success is knowing what to proceed with next. Before you spend too much energy and money.

How do we work?

  1. We will put together your ideas and ours together. We'll invent a lot of them.
  2. We will prepare ideas for probing using our methodology.
  3. We select the relevant target group of customers. Help us contact them.
  4. We verify ideas with them. Plus, we chat with them to find out more about their needs, motivations, concerns.
  5. Together, we will analyze the data from the interviews.
  6. We'll decide what to do next.

Most innovative ideas don't interest people out there. At the same time, we will find areas in which it makes sense to continue. This will save you months of traveling in the wrong direction.

The output of cooperation can be one, two ideas that are worth elaborating. Or just some parts of them. Or none. It's still better than wasting time with things that don't make sense.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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