Web Analytics

We turn your data into profit. The data itself has no value. This can only be given to them by actions that you make based on them. We help you find your way from data measurement to action.

Why deal with data comprehensively and not just track traffic?

From the data you can read:

  • What Users Really Do on Your Site
  • Where users get lost
  • Whether the website is designed correctly and if it meets its goals
  • What investments in marketing make sense
  • When (not) it pays to write articles and “produce content”
  • Whether your customers are still your customers
  • And much more...

What we can do for you

  • Data Strategy Workshops — we'll help you get a clear idea of what data you want and how to turn it into money.
  • Measurement setup and management — we set measurements according to your needs and best practices. We check the data.
  • Create reports — we help you display your KPIs in self-updating reports.
  • Analytics — we evaluate website traffic so that you know the specific behavior of users on your site.
  • Tailor-made web analytics training — we will deliver analytical know-how to your team. We teach you how to read data, what you might want from it, and how to measure it correctly.
  • Website Testing and Optimization — Find opportunities on the web and measure what works best for your business.

How will this play out?

1) We collect the right data

There is a lot that can go wrong with the measurement - for example, if conversion measurement is out of step with reality, you measure clicks on menus as downloads, you set cookies incorrectly... Or you just make it harder for yourself to analyze by not cleaning the data at the input. In any case, you will not draw the right conclusions from bad data.

2) We analyze the functioning of the site

Ha! Time on the web has decreased by 10% overall! For visits from what sources? What facilities did it involve? Metric after metric, report after report. You unravel the story that the data tells you. Looking for explanations and causes of declines, the effect of attributes on performance. Data, math, logic.

3) We will perform specific actions

The best measurement setup or analysis in a digital drawer won't earn you a penny. Only things like reconfiguring marketing communications, increasing conversion rates, or reducing the burden of online support will make or save you money.

4) Evaluate the impacts

In most cases online, it is possible to judge, or at least estimate, the impact of your actions. When you manage to measure the right data, interpret it correctly, and suggest the right actions, data-driven shoulder-slapping can ensue.

Understand Google Analytics 4 strategically

Stop spending hours on unreadable reports. Start unlocking the true potential of your data. Get the tools and competencies to make strategic decisions.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Selected References

Knihy Dobrovský

Analysis of user behavior, setting of measurement and remarketing codes


Strategy design and measurement settings for all sites of the rectorate and faculties


Návrh a nastavení měření pro ceskenoviny.cz, fotobanku a interní systém


Manage site ecosystem metrics, setup management reports in Google Data Studio

Konica Minolta

Design and setup of measurements on multilingual portal, creation of know-how base, hypothesis testing

Robotický vysavač

Eshop metering management for Central Europe, web optimization

Y Soft

Nastavení měření, nastavení reportů v MS Power BI

Zámecké vinařství Bzenec

Nastavení měření, školení práce s daty

Knihy Dobrovský
Konica Minolta
Robotický vysavač
Y Soft
Zámecké vinařství Bzenec

Thanks to Pavel, we have all our web projects not only measured through and through — we also know how to work with measurement results much better. Whether we need a more complex report or just a little help, Pavel always gives us great advice.

Dita Bodoloczká - analytika

Dita Bodoloczká

Project manager, Lectura

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