Website Development

In order for the website or eshop to really work, we will bring your marketing communication strategy, solve the infrastructure, measurement, content and follow-up of all online marketing activities.

Website is your most important marketer

A nicer website will not bring you demand. A website that will perfectly meet the needs of visitors yes. But you will have to focus on other things than nice graphics.

How is the creation of the site going?


We understand the context


We choose a strategy


We solve the measurement


It's going to turn out well

1) We understand the context

We understand your business and customers. We use a wide variety of methods to get really in-depth.

  • We engage key team members through workshops and interviews
  • We will create strategic maps for key products if necessary
  • We design and implement user research
  • We get incentives not only for the website, but also for business, marketing and product strategy

2) We choose a strategy

We will place the website in the context of other brand touchpoints and suggest customer journeys across the purchase cycle (lead generation).

  • We create a map of touchpoints and their connections
  • We get to new ideas through joint workshops
  • We will help you with brand positioning

3) We create a website

We design the content structure of the site, create graphics and deploy the website on a rented Webflow system. We will test everything.

  • We edit the template or create a custom graphic design
  • The website will be created faster than on conventional editorial systems
  • The website can be edited even by a trained secretary

4) We solve measurement and infrastructure

We will set detailed measurements and improve your competence for evaluating marketing activities. We will solve technological issues.

  • We configure Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager,...
  • For measurement, we use MeasurementHub, which allows you to quickly deploy marketing codes
  • In cooperation with Don't swing we will help you with other technical areas of the project (email deliverability, etc.)

5) Let's make sure it goes well

With the launch of the site, work begins. We can help you plan and manage your online marketing activities efficiently.

  • Find, engage and hire other advertising and PR professionals
  • We set up reporting and notifications, analyze the effectiveness of campaigns
  • We help you improve your online marketing

Replenish our know-how with a book Razor-sharp web or video blog about the creation of the site.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


Web as a solid foundation of marketing communication

We created a website. But above all, we have created a solid foundation of online marketing for the number one energy consultants.



Knihy Dobrovský

Analysis of user behavior, setting of measurement and remarketing codes




Strategy design and measurement settings for all sites of the rectorate and faculties

Y Soft

Nastavení měření, nastavení reportů v MS Power BI


Návrh a nastavení měření pro, fotobanku a interní systém


Manage site ecosystem metrics, setup management reports in Google Data Studio

Knihy Dobrovský
Y Soft

House of Řezáč approach is completely different than that of other web agencies. Workshops and user research forced us to think systematically about our business, and collaboration had more impact than just creating a website. It also helped us that other contractors on the project were assigned for us.

Jiří Pech - DRP

Jiří Pech


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