
AI marketer

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Fakturační údaje

Váš promo kód je platný, sníženou cenu uvidíte na vaší faktuře.
Odesláním objednávky berete na vědomí zásady zpracování osobních údajů.
Po odeslání objednávky obdržíte na e-mail zálohovou fakturu s pokyny k platbě a s dalšími kroky pro účast na tréninku.

... načítám

fakturovat budeme 
Výborně, účast na tréningu byla úspěšně objednána. V brzké době očekávejte e-mail s pokyny k přípravě. Míč je tedy teď na naší straně. Děkujeme a těšíme se na spolupráci.

Mezitím se můžete podívat, v čem dalším bychom vás mohli vzdělat.

Nebo se vrhněte rovnou na objednání další vstupenky, pokud vám jedna nestačí!

Objednat další vstupenku
Něco se pokazilo a vaše přihláška se neodeslala. Zkuste to prosím znovu.
1 day

AI marketer

There are currently no public training dates. Let us knowif you are interested in him! We will write a new date or arrange an individual training session for your team. Or sharpen up on Other courses.

Save at least an hour a week thanks to AI. That's 5 days a year. More like, you get an hour a day. And that's really worth it.

! Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms and self-study courses for english-speaking.

19.900 CZK without VAT per year
6.900 CZK excluding VAT for 3 months

Less than a coffee a day
AI marketer

AI workouts are like mushrooms after rain. We focused on the work of marketers. Because it has changed beyond recognition over the last few years.

  • We accelerate your work with AI so you can use it everywhere
  • Master multiple models and marketing tools
  • We will change your perspective on marketing communications

AI is much more than ChatGPT

But it is not visible at first glance. In addition, there is a power of tools. Especially for marketers. And some seem pretty damn technical. We've worked it out for you.

Several relevant AI tools for marketers. We'll go through a lot more of them.

Increase your AI competencies

You'll get the basics of AI for marketers like never before. You can follow them up in AI Marketing Lab advanced scenarios.

Training program

Block 1: Personal Productivity of the Marketer

  • Personal productivity with AI — use AI tools effectively
  • AI hacking mindset — approach AI to get the best results
  • AI marketing mindset — accelerate and expand your communication capabilities

Block 2: AI Marketing Practice

  • AI marketing stack — AI tools, APIs and automation... even if you're not a programmer
  • AI marketing workflows — data acquisition, creation, data analysis, creativity
  • Working with risks — hallucinations, security, copyrights, personal data

We will link everything together into practical practices and demonstrations. In addition, you will get access to Teachable, where we will gradually expand the library of materials.

Přehled aktuálních termínů a časů

Aktuálně není vypsaný žádný termín. Rádi vám dáme vědět, jakmile nějaký vypíšeme!

Who is training for?


We will go through aIČKO so that you have better results in less time.


You write content mostly by hand. You can do it. AI is more of a brake on you. There won't be any more.


You want to change the mindset of your colleagues for AI-first marketing.

Current dates

May 14, 2025

Expect not a webinar, but intensive work and individual attention from the instructors.

Don't expect a lecture where you can check Facebook or deal with emails. Set aside time and a quiet space, make yourself a cup of tea, feel free to keep your sweatpants on. The training is intense and one activity builds smoothly on the other.

You don't have to worry about not having enough space to address your project among the other participants. All projects will get plenty of space and support from the tutor.

Practical information

  • Training takes 3 hours (13:00-16:00).
  • The introductory price is 3.900 CZK (excluding VAT).
  • Set aside plenty of time and a quiet work environment where no one will disturb you.
  • Don't plan anything for the afternoon. You won't have the time and appetite for emails either.
  • The training is followed by an informal voluntary discussion while you have questions.
  • The training will be online on Zoom and Miro platforms.
  • We do individual trainings for organizations. Write to us.

Frequently Asked Questions

I was on AI Workflow, does it make sense to go to an AI marketer?

Ah yes. AI Workflow was all about prompting in ChatGPT. Now we have a whole marketing AI stack waiting for us. It's a completely different workout.

I was in an AI University, does it make sense to go to an AI marketer?

The No. Go to the AI Marketing Lab. Send colleagues here who need to improve their habits for working with AI.

Will I get a training record?

The No. We don't record training sessions. You'll be left with a MIRO bulletin board. Pre-recorded videos. Record of questions and answers. Don't plan anything for that day. You won't have the time and appetite for emails either.

Do I need any special experience?

Actually, no. You need to know how to work with a computer and learn how to work with the Zoom communication application and the Miro dashboard. We will deliver all instructions in time.

Do you also know training for companies?

Ah yes. We make non-public online training sessions tailored to your needs. Contact us for the offer.

Master AI marketing tools effectively

3.900 CZK (excluding VAT), introductory price valid only until February 28, 2025

Let me know about terms for english-speaking!

Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms for english-speaking.

Your email address

Děkujeme! Dáme vám vědět hned, jakmile vypíšeme nový termín.
Něco se bohužel pokazilo. Zkuste to, prosím, později znovu.

How do we work with your personal data? Take a look here.

Let me know about terms for english-speaking!

Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms and self-study courses for english-speaking.

Your e-mail address

Děkujeme! Dáme vám vědět hned, jakmile vypíšeme nový termín.
Něco se bohužel pokazilo. Zkuste to, prosím, později znovu.

How do we care about your personal data? Take a look here.