
Strategic Design

Pokud potřebujete objednat více než 1 vstupenku, zaregistrujte prosím každého účastníka zvlášť, nebo se nám ozvěte na skoleni@houseofrezac.com

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Po odeslání objednávky obdržíte na e-mail zálohovou fakturu s pokyny k platbě a s dalšími kroky pro účast na tréninku.

... načítám

fakturovat budeme 
Výborně, účast na tréningu byla úspěšně objednána. V brzké době očekávejte e-mail s pokyny k přípravě. Míč je tedy teď na naší straně. Děkujeme a těšíme se na spolupráci.

Mezitím se můžete podívat, v čem dalším bychom vás mohli vzdělat.

Nebo se vrhněte rovnou na objednání další vstupenky, pokud vám jedna nestačí!

Objednat další vstupenku
Něco se pokazilo a vaše přihláška se neodeslala. Zkuste to prosím znovu.
6 meetings + networking

Strategic Design

There are currently no public training dates. Let us knowif you are interested in him! We will write a new date or arrange an individual training session for your team. Or sharpen up on Other courses.

Solve complex problems creatively

! Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms and self-study courses for english-speaking.

19.900 CZK without VAT per year
6.900 CZK excluding VAT for 3 months

Less than a coffee a day
Strategic Design

The world is changeable, uncertain, complex and ill-graspable. You want your projects to benefit your business. That's not easy, though.

You've redesigned the site. You have launched the application. You had a strong vision. It didn't work. People didn't get it. Sales are falling short of expectations. It's not like that anymore.

If your project is to make money, you have to influence the behavior of the people out there. You just don't control these people...
-- Tom Kerwin

Use design to solve complex problems

Design is not drawing pretty pictures.
Design is about the beneficial direction of projects.
Design is about finding ideas that bring in money.
Design is about creativity without ego.

V roce 2013 mi zkrachoval startup. Nikdy jste o něm neslyšeli. Problémů bylo víc. Jeden z nich spočíval v tom, že jsem design viděl jako kreslení pěkných obrázků. Realita mě propleskla. Čert vem obrázky. Lidi ovlivníte jen tím, že vyřešíte jejich problémy. Pomůžete jim s jejich aspiracemi. Odstraníte jejich obavy. Dnes máme v House of Řezáč designový systém, který opakovaně pomáhá našim klientům. Naučíme vás kreativně řešit problémy.

Jan Řezáč

Jan Řezáč

CEO House of Řezáč

We see design as a competence. Cool. You can strengthen it. Nowadays, it is really useful. For designers. For managers. For every organization.

Get a verified system

You will understand the opportunities.
You propose a strategy.
You come up with a solution.
You will find the right direction.

We show you how we work at the House of Cutter. Ours procedures, workshops, activities for clients, how we think about problems. We make websites, apps, improve the customer journey and the communication of our clients. Sometimes ideas turn out to be bad and our clients stop wasting time with the project. On time. Much more often they we will help make money.

Together we will pass

0% Figma. 100% Strategic Approach to Design.

Who is this training for?


Stop getting better at drawing. There you will soon be replaced by AI. Control the entire design process.


Find the right problems to solve and effectively improve your customers' journeys.


Strengthen your design skills to better manage complex projects. It's going to be about execution. Want to improve your strategy? We recommend Strategic thinking.

Trénink stojí za to! Sense-making workshop, opportunity solution tree, frameworky… Bylo to skvělé překlopení teorie do praxe. Navíc jsme teorii dostali ve videích, na která jsme se mohli dívat ve chvílích, kdy se nám to zrovna hodilo. Třešničkou pak byla skvělá facilitace tréninku ze strany designerů z House.

Liliana Obadalová

UX designer, Notino

You get the materials ahead

We are constantly improving training. We want him to be as useful as possible for you. We've made 70+ videos so far. And to them, of course, other materials. You can be sure that this is not all.

For years I worked intuitively in design. The training gave me a new way of looking at design as a business tool - and now I'm starting to work on my first design probe. The investment I made in the training paid off just in time saved before the end of.

Radek Kyselý

senior developer, Superface

Dates of meetings

The first meeting is an introductory meeting.
The main part of the training is 5 three-hour online meetings. Followed by a party and live networking in Brno.

February cycle:

  • February 3, 16:00-17:00
  • February 5,13:00-16:00
  • February 12, 13:00-16:00
  • February 19, 13:00-16:00
  • February 27, 13:00-16:00
  • March 5, 13:00-16:00
  • March 12, 15:00-17:00 final meeting and summary, from 17:20 party

April cycle:

  • April 7, 16:00-17:00
  • April 9, 13:00-16:00
  • April 16, 13:00-16:00
  • April 22, 13:00-16:00
  • May 6, 13:00-16:00
  • May 12, 13:00-16:00
  • May 19, 15:00-17:00 final meeting and summary, from 17:20 party

September cycle:

  • September 8, 16:00-17:00
  • September 9, 13:00-16:00
  • September 17, 13:00-16:00
  • September 23, 13:00-16:00
  • September 30, 13:00-16:00
  • October 7, 13:00-16:00
  • October 16, 15:00-17:00 final meeting and summary, from 17:20 party

Do the dates not suit you? Take the self-paced version of Strategic design: self-study.

Úvodní setkání

První setkání bude na 1 hodinu. Seznámíme se a projdeme společně, jak bude trénink probíhat. Po setkání dostanete první materiály a videa k nastudování.

Trénink 10× designer

5 tréninkových setkání

Každý trénink trvá 3 hodiny a následuje neomezená diskuse. Q&A bude probíhat, dokud budete mít otázky. Projdeme společně oblasti designu a designového myšlení, strategie, facilitace, UX & UI, digitální nástroje a další. Dostanete videa, materiály a tipy. Dostanete odpovědi na své otázky.

Trénink 10× designer

Komunita & online podpora

Trénink nekončí setkáními. Připojíme vás do uzavřené online skupiny účastníků. Budete si vzájemně radit, inspirovat se, sdílet tipy na další vzdělávání. A budeme tam samozřejmě i my – designéři z House of Řezáč.

Trénink 10× designer

Přehled aktuálních termínů a časů

Aktuálně není vypsaný žádný termín. Rádi vám dáme vědět, jakmile nějaký vypíšeme!

Two years ago I started my own business. I thought a lot of things needed that I know my customer. I didn't know him. And other things I didn't know either, I just thought them. Today, thanks to Strategic Design training, I know how to do research and really get to know my customer, I know how to get the necessary background to make the right decisions, I know how to validate my ideas efficiently and inexpensively, I know how to deal better with stakeholders in my client projects, I know better how to help myself with AI. It's time to gradually put new knowledge into practice and solve complex problems based on data, not intuition.

Tomáš Fedor - SD

Tomáš Fedor

Freelance Frontend Web Developer

The training was really pure practice. No frontal teaching. The biggest benefit for me was the strategy and business part. I thought I was already at a higher level in this area, thanks to Honza I had the opportunity to move much further.

Tomáš Ludvík - SD

Tomáš Ludvík

UX strategist and lecturer

Strategic design is not really training for designers at all. It's training for owners/managers who solve hard business problems day in and day out that they don't have enough information or time to crack. It's a very practical infusion of methods, tips and experience. As a result of the training, I've turnaround 3 steamroller better workshops, pushed through two major changes on projects that I couldn't argue away for a long time, had much better and richer outputs from one series of in-depth conversations with a really tough target, created 2 custom frameworks and changed around a dozen smaller things in my daily workflow, namely started reflecting more. Not bad at all for 2 months of work. For that, after most of the training, one doesn't change anything at all. So friends, I recommend it. And especially if you are solving complex business problems.

Lukáš Pítra - SD

Lukáš Pítra

Freelance Customer Experience & Marketing

The training is challenging and has moved me many times in developing my design competencies. He helped me prepare and facilitate workshops. He helped me speed up my design work thanks to AI. And the discussion about how to be more emotionally resilient and where to recharge my batteries helped me a lot.

Jakub Skupin - SD

Jakub Skupin

B2B marketer

Training programme


We will show you how designers work and what design is. We will introduce the building blocks for the next meeting.

Connecting design to business

Let's go through the mindset of managers. Goals, risks, return on investment.

Workshop facilitation

We will go through the principles of conducting effective workshops. You will learn how to facilitate online and offline.

Design research

We will describe how design research works and how to link qualitative and quantitative data. For example, we will go through 18 active listening tactics. We'll teach you how to conduct interviews according to the standards of top researchers - Jan Chipcase, Teresa Torres, Erika Hall,...


We make sense of the research data and create frameworks tailored to the project.


We will define what strategy is and how to approach it in design projects. We discuss strategy in more detail in Strategic thinking.

Cooperation with stakeholders

Involve them. Co-operate. Work with the disgruntled ones.

Ideation & sketching

Brainstorming doesn't work. What works? Inventing, refining, opposing, enriching ideas in a structured way.

Validating ideas

We teach you how to validate feature, product, service ideas quickly, roughly and cheaply with management involvement.

Design Ops

Let's take a look at the current AI capabilities. We will describe digital design tools, know-how storage and workflows

How does it work?

  • We'll invite you to Teachable. It will be full of our videos and other resources. You'll learn them at your own pace. We're not gonna kill our time together with theory.
  • We will go through 6 online sessions together, where we will complement the theory with practice. We will work on a demonstration project generated by artificial intelligence.
  • After each meeting we will discuss your topics and questions. As long as you enjoy it. It usually takes another two hours. Don't plan anything after the meetings.
  • For those who are interested, we will throw a party after the whole cycle. In Brno. Well... at least it won't be in Adamov.

At Strategic Design you will learn things that you will not learn at any other course in the Czech Republic. You will learn how to think about them. And how the big boys and girls do design.

Petr Bechyně

freelance UX designer and web analyst

I would rename this training to "Designer in 5 weeks". Because during each brisk workshop, you'll learn the entire design process - including methods, frameworks, and everything you need to be a designer. We had plenty of room for questions, the workshop on sense-making and incorporating AI into the design process was great.

Ondřej Fendrych

UX designer, Chyron

In training, we learned how to effectively solve complex problems. On the basis of data and without unnecessary waste. I take away a number of techniques that I can immediately use in practice. Design probes, frameworks, facilitation, presentation and idea generation.

Tomáš Páral – SD

Tomáš Páral

CEO, MoroSystems

Strategic design is priceless for designers and managers. It was crucial for me that Jan explained the topics to us on specific cases, including our projects. This training is definitely the right way towards UX.

Daniel Brož - SD

Daniel Brož

UX designer, Nexum Trilog

Strategic design is like a cookbook for a designer. If you don't know how to improve as a designer and where to go, this course is the place to come to it.

Jakub Komenda - SD

Jakub Komenda


Strategic design is like a party mix, where you just pick the themes that take you the furthest. It's a kind of accelerator for designers - completing it will make a lot of situations you'll deal with as a designer much easier in the future.

Veronika Voglová - SD

Veronika Voglová

lead designer, ROIMARK

If you want to start thinking strategically and stop jumping at the first idea that comes to mind, go for Strategic Design by House of Cutter. It will teach you how to deal with the real essentials.

Jan Kočenda – SD

Jan Kočenda

Head of Marketing, Trezor.io

Strategic design is a source of ideas, inspiration, guidance and a time-consuming hobby for a few weeks, with overlap into the next few years. Seeing the whole design process was very crucial and important to me.

Michaela Georgievová – SD

Michaela Georgievová


The training is challenging and has moved me many times in developing my design competencies. He helped me prepare and facilitate workshops. He helped me speed up my design work thanks to AI. And the discussion about how to be more emotionally resilient and where to recharge my batteries helped me a lot.

Jakub Skupin - SD

Jakub Skupin

B2B marketer

Strategic design is a must-have for designers. One of the most important parts of training for me was stakeholder management, influence tactics and emotional resilience. In our company, I will use a few of the things we discussed.

Elmar Cendelín - SD

Elmar Cendelín

Innovation Manager, EXX HOLDING

Thanks for a great course. It was an investment that will pay me back 100x in the future. I learned more in 5 weeks than I have in the last two years.

Markéta Fukasová - SD

Markéta Fukasová

UX design generalist

It was the most pro course I've ever experienced. Totally exceeded my expectations. Great was the participation of participants in workshops, where we tried everything for ourselves, the use of AI in design, professional facilitation and sharing of resources where I can draw more information. I did not have much previous experience with design and this course for me was a practical guide to the life of a designer. It's just a pity that there were no more training sessions!

Iveta Žižková - SD

Iveta Žižková

UX designer

Expect not a webinar, but intensive work and individual attention from the instructors.

Don't expect a lecture where you can check Facebook or deal with emails. Set aside time and a quiet space, make yourself a cup of tea, feel free to keep your sweatpants on. The training is intense and one activity builds smoothly on the other.

You don't have to worry about not having enough space to address your project among the other participants. All projects will get plenty of space and support from the tutor.

Practical information

  • Training will be online on Zoom and Miro platforms.
  • Each meeting is 3 hours long (except the first, which is an hour), followed by informal, optional discussion.
  • You will be given materials to study before each meeting. Set aside at least two hours for each meeting to prepare.
  • Throughout the training, there will be an online group for participants to answer your questions and topics.
  • Set aside plenty of time and a quiet working environment where you won't be disturbed.
  • The training is led by designers from House of Řezáč headed by Jan.
  • Group of about 12 participants.
  • The final meeting and networking will be live in Brno.
  • We do individual training for organization. Write us.
  • If the dates don't work for you, or if you need to go through the training at your own pace, we offer a version without live meetings – Strategic design: self-study.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will Strategic Design bring me?

You get a proven system for working on complex problems. It links the facilitation of group work, customer focus and validation of ideas. This is useful if you do, manage, or commission such projects. Examples will be from the world of digital projects — websites, applications, customer journey development, marketing. Skills are universal.

Will I get a certificate?

Yes, all graduates can get a certificate.

I'm a copywriter and I'm hesitant to come...

As a copywriter, you either write texts based on assignments or you proactively create such assignments... and for this you need to facilitate workshops, do customer research, design strategy and verify that your texts work. This is all the content of training.

I'm a designer and I'm hesitant to come...

As a designer, you either draw images based on assignments or proactively create such assignments... and for this you need to facilitate workshops, do customer research, design strategy, and verify that your designs work. This is all the content of training.

I'm a manager and I'm hesitant to come...

As a manager, you will be put in front of complex problems that you need to solve. You can't do that on your own. You need to effectively facilitate teamwork, foster a safe environment, get relevant feedback from customers, set a strategy, or validate your ideas before you spend too much money on the wrong direction of a project. This is all the content of training.

What's included in the price?

Annual access to teachable where all the training videos go. We plan to expand them further. The core of the training is 6 live online meetings. Each meeting is followed by a Q&A where we answer your questions. We will record the Q&A so you can come back to them.

Will you record the meeting?

We don't record workouts. It doesn't make sense because they are highly interactive. We will try to record a Q&A -- unless there are questions about the participants' specific projects. We logically cut out such parts from the record.

I fail to convince my boss that training makes sense.

Send the boss to Strategic thinking. When they change their approach to strategy, they change their approach to dealing with strategic projects. It will require you to have design skills.

I'm a student and I don't have that much money...

Let us know at skoleni@houseofrezac.com and we'll try to work something out.

In training, we learned how to effectively solve complex problems. On the basis of data and without unnecessary waste. I take away a number of techniques that I can immediately use in practice. Design probes, frameworks, facilitation, presentation and idea generation.

Tomáš Páral – SD

Tomáš Páral

CEO, MoroSystems

Strategic design is priceless for designers and managers. It was crucial for me that Jan explained the topics to us on specific cases, including our projects. This training is definitely the right way towards UX.

Daniel Brož - SD

Daniel Brož

UX designer, Nexum Trilog

Strategic design is like a cookbook for a designer. If you don't know how to improve as a designer and where to go, this course is the place to come to it.

Jakub Komenda - SD

Jakub Komenda


Strategic design is like a party mix, where you just pick the themes that take you the furthest. It's a kind of accelerator for designers - completing it will make a lot of situations you'll deal with as a designer much easier in the future.

Veronika Voglová - SD

Veronika Voglová

lead designer, ROIMARK

If you want to start thinking strategically and stop jumping at the first idea that comes to mind, go for Strategic Design by House of Cutter. It will teach you how to deal with the real essentials.

Jan Kočenda – SD

Jan Kočenda

Head of Marketing, Trezor.io

Strategic design is a source of ideas, inspiration, guidance and a time-consuming hobby for a few weeks, with overlap into the next few years. Seeing the whole design process was very crucial and important to me.

Michaela Georgievová – SD

Michaela Georgievová


The training is challenging and has moved me many times in developing my design competencies. He helped me prepare and facilitate workshops. He helped me speed up my design work thanks to AI. And the discussion about how to be more emotionally resilient and where to recharge my batteries helped me a lot.

Jakub Skupin - SD

Jakub Skupin

B2B marketer

Strategic design is a must-have for designers. One of the most important parts of training for me was stakeholder management, influence tactics and emotional resilience. In our company, I will use a few of the things we discussed.

Elmar Cendelín - SD

Elmar Cendelín

Innovation Manager, EXX HOLDING

Thanks for a great course. It was an investment that will pay me back 100x in the future. I learned more in 5 weeks than I have in the last two years.

Markéta Fukasová - SD

Markéta Fukasová

UX design generalist

It was the most pro course I've ever experienced. Totally exceeded my expectations. Great was the participation of participants in workshops, where we tried everything for ourselves, the use of AI in design, professional facilitation and sharing of resources where I can draw more information. I did not have much previous experience with design and this course for me was a practical guide to the life of a designer. It's just a pity that there were no more training sessions!

Iveta Žižková - SD

Iveta Žižková

UX designer

Solve complex problems creatively

39.800 CZK (excluding VAT)

Let me know about terms for english-speaking!

Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms for english-speaking.

Your email address

Děkujeme! Dáme vám vědět hned, jakmile vypíšeme nový termín.
Něco se bohužel pokazilo. Zkuste to, prosím, později znovu.

How do we work with your personal data? Take a look here.

Let me know about terms for english-speaking!

Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms and self-study courses for english-speaking.

Your e-mail address

Děkujeme! Dáme vám vědět hned, jakmile vypíšeme nový termín.
Něco se bohužel pokazilo. Zkuste to, prosím, později znovu.

How do we care about your personal data? Take a look here.