GA4 Training

Learn how to properly set up measurements and read data in GA4.

The training deadline is under negotiation

The new Google Analytics is completely different from Universal Analytics. They show other numbersThey are less well versed in them, lack of simple overviews. Finding the important data you need to optimize your marketing and business decisions is almost impossible.

We are preparing training for marketers and business owners that will make GA4 clear to you. You'll understand the differences between the old and new platforms and harness the power of the new features that GA4 brings.

Be among the first to know about its launch. Leave us your email. We'll let you know soon.

Leave us your email and we'll let you know

GA4 training is in the process of making so far. If you leave us your email, you will be the first to know that we are launching it.

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Něco se bohužel pokazilo. Zkuste to, prosím, později znovu.

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Znáte naše klienty

GA4 setup, measurement management and marketing codes, A/B testing and site performance optimization, GA training

Setting the cookie bar, testing the appearance of the e-shop for opt-in rate, consulting analytical adjustments

Eshop metering management for Central Europe, web optimization

Manage site ecosystem metrics, setup management reports in Google Data Studio

Measurement management, data evaluation for web analytics, tailor-made training preparation

Design and setup of measurements on multilingual portal, creation of know-how base, hypothesis testing

Strategy design and measurement settings for all sites of the rectorate and faculties

Analysis of user behavior, setting of measurement and remarketing codes

Znáte naše klienty

GA4 setup, measurement management and marketing codes, A/B testing and site performance optimization, GA training

Setting the cookie bar, testing the appearance of the e-shop for opt-in rate, consulting analytical adjustments

Eshop metering management for Central Europe, web optimization

Manage site ecosystem metrics, setup management reports in Google Data Studio

Measurement management, data evaluation for web analytics, tailor-made training preparation

Design and setup of measurements on multilingual portal, creation of know-how base, hypothesis testing

Strategy design and measurement settings for all sites of the rectorate and faculties

Analysis of user behavior, setting of measurement and remarketing codes

Získejte odrazový můstek pro lepší nastavení a zobrazování dat