We are looking for a Junior Web Analyst or Analyst. Someone who likes numbers, dates and puzzle-solving.

We are expanding our team with a new colleague or colleague. Someone who wants to learn from data to help people make better decisions in business management. Someone who wants to be able to obtain data in an online environment, draw conclusions from it and interpret it to others.

We grow. And even though our analytics department has doubled in size over the past year, it's not enough. Clients have been waiting months for our spare capacity.

That's why this ad is still open. That is why we are always looking for new members of the genus from which to educate web analysts.

Will you be one of us?

We don't expect you to be a seasoned pro. On the contrary, we are ready to give you our know-how and teach you what we can. You don't even have to be an analyst/analyst. We believe that Programmers and programmers have excellent prerequisites for entering the field. (even a beginner). But almost anyone can become a great analyst. What is important is the desire to learn how to work with data.

As a House of Řezáč family analyst, you will

  • Set up and manage measurements on the sites of our clients and learn to use analytical tools. For this, we most often use Google Analytics 4 with a lot of custom javascript, Google Tag Manager and that includes the server one. We use BigQuery to store data.
  • Evaluate Measured data and to obtain information and context from them. You will pass these on to designers or clients for further work. We use Python for evaluation, Power BI or Google Data Studio for reporting.
  • Collaborate with colleagues designers, project managers and other team members to prepare and implement projects. Your data will be the basis for their decision-making and further work.
  • Communicate with clients from different fields, different sizes, from different countries. You will participate in workshops and presentations for our clients, often in collaboration with managers and other colleagues. You will learn how to effectively present the results of your work.
  • Work on your education under the guidance of our experienced analyst Paul.
  • Participate in building a team of analysts — to pass on their experience to junior colleagues, to help them, to lead them. Just as you will now be led on duty by senior colleagues.

We are looking for someone who

  • He is interested in web analytics, data and marketing.
  • He wants to learn New things and technologies.
  • Looking for cooperation at 0.8 — 1.0 hours.
  • He is meticulous, reliable and will fit to us to the team.
  • With us during the trial period he will in the Brno office.

What you need to know and have in order to invite you to an interview

Basics of Javascript These include, for example:

  • how they are used cycles, conditions, functions, objects, etc. ,
  • knowledge basic data types,
  • how establish a listener at the click of a button,
  • control the work with Arrays and Objects,
  • how to find out in javascript anchor from page URL,
  • what is the difference between DOM-ready and Window load.

Not sure if you meet it? Test yourself on Edabida. We want you to handle at least some of the tasks at the medium level.

Basics of HTML:

  • can write a simple HTML page, where is header, body, embedded style, javascript, in body is header, text, link,
  • know what the class and the ID of the element is.

Awareness of Google Analytics and basic orientation in them.

Ability to work with quantitative data — from A/B testing to interpretation of data outputs.

Advantage at the interview (it's not necessary, it's a plus)

Basics of CSS:

  • simple HTMLPage Styling — center text, set margin and padding, change colors (background or text).

Experience with by marketing and Google Tag Manager:

  • It's good to at least have awareness.

To present own work:

  • We can help you with that, you don't have to be a pro at presenting.

Write and talk English. Good written speech in Czech.

You can find a closer idea of what such a web analyst should be able to do here. We're counting on you being a junior. We just need the basics, we'll teach you the rest.

What for that:

  • full-time or part-time work (0.8 - 1.0),
  • the opportunity to work at school, you can write a bachelor or diploma with us,
  • free working hours and place of work,
  • Time spent on education,
  • a place in the office in Brno on Gorky,
  • four weeks of vacation,
  • start ideally immediately,
  • salary appropriate to the level of knowledge and experience — we regularly revise your salary according to how fast you move,
  • free work environment, open negotiations and feedback, rocket growth.

How to get this job

The road to House takes 4 steps. Part of it is up to you, part to us. The first step is to fill contact form.

Why work at House of Řezáč?

  • We offer free working hours and place of work. Combining work and leisure is not a problem here. It is also possible to work remotely, although for juniors we prefer to participate in person. We all meet physically in the office once every two months (the so-called +1 week), when we dedicate ourselves to the development of the company.
  • Possibility onset also part-time already at school. It is not a problem to write a bachelor or diploma thesis with us, we will advise you with the choice of topic. Colleague Greg in House, for example, wrote a Bachelor on the subject Using Sequence Pattern Mining in Google Analytics.
  • We have sophisticated career system, thanks to which we teach you analytics step by step.
  • At your disposal you will have your mentorthat will help you.
  • We are constantly educating ourselves, both in the field and beyond, and we count on it even within the framework of our time. Going to a conference or taking a course is normal with us.
  • We have interesting clients from various fields (Books Dobrovský, TS Bohemia, BUT Brno, Kentico CMS and others...).
  • We are top team — we work and support each other, we share our know-how. We go out for beers together, we go on vacation. Razor humor is no stranger to us.

Read why to become from coder to analyst. And send us your resume.

Pracovat s námi můžeš třeba i na těchto projektech

Knihy Dobrovský

V týmu budete hlavně s Pavlem

Dejte své práci smysl

Myslíte si, že máte na to být součástí rodu, ale nezaujala vás žádná naše nabídka? Napište svůj příběh na rod@houseofrezac.com a třeba spolu vytvoříme pozici, která bude dávat smysl jak nám, tak i vám.

Nebo nám zanechte svůj e-mail níže a my vám dáme vědět, jakmile budeme hledat nové kolegy na nové pozice.

Klikněte na odkaz v e-mailu, který jsme vám poslali a můžeme začít.
Něco se bohužel pokazilo. Zkuste to, prosím, později znovu.

Jak pracujeme s vašimi osobními údaji? Podívejte se sem.