
AI University

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Číslo je v pořádku
Přesná data zde.
Annual subscription
19.900 CZK (excluding VAT)
24.079 Kč včetně DPH

Fakturační údaje

Váš promo kód je platný, sníženou cenu uvidíte na vaší faktuře.
Odesláním objednávky berete na vědomí zásady zpracování osobních údajů.
Po odeslání objednávky obdržíte na e-mail zálohovou fakturu s pokyny k platbě a s dalšími kroky pro účast na tréninku.

... načítám

fakturovat budeme 
Výborně, účast na tréningu byla úspěšně objednána. V brzké době očekávejte e-mail s pokyny k přípravě. Míč je tedy teď na naší straně. Děkujeme a těšíme se na spolupráci.

Mezitím se můžete podívat, v čem dalším bychom vás mohli vzdělat.

Nebo se vrhněte rovnou na objednání další vstupenky, pokud vám jedna nestačí!

Objednat další vstupenku
Něco se pokazilo a vaše přihláška se neodeslala. Zkuste to prosím znovu.
Implement AI in your organization

AI University

Annual subscription

Community, consultation, and know-how for utilizing AI.

! Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms and self-study courses for english-speaking.

19.900 CZK without VAT per year
6.900 CZK excluding VAT for 3 months

Less than a coffee a day
AI University

Generative AI is like Excel

Getting started with any of the chatbots is easy. To understand strengths and weaknesses and use generative AI as efficiently as possible, you need experience.

Master AI systematically

We connect people interested in AI with each other. We provide you with useful know-how that you can use across the organization. We answer your questions and topics.

AI is changing the world

The development in the field of AI is rapid. You're not prosecuting it. At the same time, you can not ignore him. The manager solves the metrics. The leader addresses the future.

The best publicly available large language models -- GPT-4, Claude3, Gemini Advanced -- feature in many areas today Competence around the 80th percentile. So 80% of people are the same or worse than AI. Even if development stops, the essence of your work will change.

In 2023, we learned to prompt. We were entering instructions into the AI. This is no longer enough in 2024. 2024 will be the year of the creation of the AI Stack. Programs, models, and prompts that increase efficiency across the organization. This is why the new role of Chief AI Officer arises. A person responsible for AI across departments. This is not a job for a brigadier.

Pred vstupom do AI Univerzity som mala absolútne presné očakávania: vzdelávať sa v téme AI na všetkých úrovniach, vrátane stratégie (pecka!), mať konštantný prístup k najaktuálnejším informáciám, zdieľať a byť vypočutá, naučiť sa i inšpirovať, mať možnosť opýtať sa. No a toto vzdelávanie mi ich plní. Do bodky. Palec za obsah, potlesk za odvahu a formát. Energia, ktorú do toho v House of Řezáč vkladajú, je obrovská.

Ivana Latiaková

AI Content and Copywriting Specialist

Improve at your pace

In AI University we have More than 100 videos. More are added every month.

Take advantage Tools and tips that are right for you.

Simplify your work.

No one else will do it for you.

Žil jsem v bublině, že AI je dobrá jen na marketingové texty. AI Univerzita mi změnila pohled. Část o analýze dat a dokumentů je perfektní. Našel jsem si tam spoustu podnětů, ve kterých AI můžu zkoušet. Začalo se mi rozjasňovat, kde a jak bych mohl AI využívat a začlenit i do své práce.

Martin Učeň

majitel e-shopu, terve.cz

How can we help you?

Gradually, we bring topics related to AI and the introduction of AI into everyday work. Today it is part of AI University:

  • Generate marketing text
    • Five types of instructions
    • Composition of a structured instruction
    • Your preparation before proceeding
    • Generate and edit texts
    • Text editing
    • Output Type
    • Target
    • Tonality
    • Formatting
    • Following the structure
    • Content frameworks
  • Video avatars
    • Introduction to Video Avatars
    • Why we chose HeyGen
    • 3 types of HeyGen avatars
    • Paid Enhancements and Services
    • Get ready to make a recording for HeyGen
    • How to prepare an almost studious shooting environment
    • How to create an avatar in HeyGen
    • Working with an avatar — tips and tricks that have worked for us
    • For fun — sometimes it just doesn't work out even with the utmost effort...
    • Combination with other tools — the ultimate combo for the best result
  • Data and document analysis
    • Introduction to Data and Document Analysis
    • How to start using ChatGPT for analytics
    • To a stupid question, a stupid answer
    • File formats for input data
    • Formatting and exporting outputs
    • Instruction: Document search
    • Instruction: Analysis and synthesis of qualitative data
    • Instruction: Opportunities from keyword analysis
    • Instruction: Analysis of projects and project costs
    • Instruction: Generate custom scripts and codes
    • Instruction: Image processing
    • ChatGPT Output Validation and Limits
    • Security (where is the recorded data stored?)
  • Generating brand images
    • Basis: Introduction to image generation
    • Basis: Midjourney Possibilities and Limitations
    • Basis: Discord environment for working with Midjourney
    • Basis: Setup
    • Basis: Basic Instruction Structure
    • Basis: Text in image
    • Optimization: Add-ons for Midjourney
    • Optimization: Editing an image in a grid
    • Optimization: Editing an image in detail
    • Optimization: Verbalization
    • Optimization: Brand Colors
    • Optimization: Troubleshooting
    • Optimization: Image in instruction
    • Parameters: Aspect Ratio
    • Parameters: Stylization
    • Parameters: Multiprompting
    • Parameters: Exclude an element from an image
    • Parameters: Seed
    • Parameters: Consistent Characters
    • Parameters: Custom shortcut — consistent characters
  • Working with know-how and workflows
  • Building an Enterprise AI Stack
    • Chief AI Officer
    • Areas for AI
    • Stack AI
    • The future of AI
    • AI basics for team members
    • Introducing AI into the organization
    • Finding Use-cases for AI
    • Learning organizations
  • Working with people to implement AI
    • Caring for people's emotions
    • Empathy
    • Tactics of influence
    • Tactics of rhetoric
    • Body language

In the future may await us:

  • Custom GPT
  • Solving complex problems with AI
  • Generate videos
  • Use-cases across the company

How does it work?

  • Know-how. We invite you to It's teachable. Today there are more than 90 in it videos and other sources. You learn them yourself at your own pace. According to what you need. We are gradually expanding the AI content of the University.
  • Meetings. We hold a live meetup every month. We answer your questions and topics. From the meeting we make recordingthat we put in Teachable. You can look at him at any time.
  • It's a community. You can also chat with each other in meetings and in the discussion forum in Teachable.
  • Action. Over the course of the year, we plan to do special events — webinars with interesting guests, experts on AI topics. We place the records in Teachable so that you can return to them at any time.

You can select the membership option in the order form.

I'm done, with the old way of life, the dark ages. The way you've done the course has changed my life. I finished the first part on generating texts. And it opened my eyes. You've brought light into that darkness, where a person with a small business can't pay a lot of people to do copywriting, a new website, graphics, and so a lot of things stand still and don't move. This has kicked me up a notch and I finally know how to get things moving. I was surprised that AI University would bring me so many practical benefits.

David Janda

Director of Operations, BEER ACADEMY

The value of the University's AI grows over time

As content grows, we will increase the subscription price. Your price will be the same all the time you pay the AI University. Compared to buying a membership in a few months, you will save significantly today.

Přehled aktuálních termínů a časů

Annual subscription

Who is university for?

Chief AI Officers

Grip the development of AI tools in your organization firmly and strategically. Use proven tools and choose from our know-how what is right for you. Save time and energy.


Prompting is no longer enough. Streamline your organization's marketing and dedicate yourself to what really makes sense today.


If you don't have a CAIO, that's up to you. Don't waste time exploring AI options and implement the most effective tools right away. Do you want to improve your strategy? We recommend Strategic thinking. ‍ ‍

It won't change for you on its own.

Vyzkoušejte si AI Univerzitu zdarma

Máme pro vás 7 videí, která získáte díky registraci. Nezavazují vás k nákupu plného členství, pokud sami nebudete chtít. AI Univerzita pomáhá mnoha lidem, kteří jsou z ní nadšení. Vyzkoušejte si ji také.

The training helped me a lot with how to implement AI into the process. Probably the most beneficial thing was getting a basic blueprint of how to write prompts correctly, what to expect from AI, where to move forward. Now with hindsight after the training, I can say that I really started using it afterwards, I started playing around with other forms of prompting and I would almost say there's not a day that goes by that I don't use AI for something.

Martin Semerád - AIW

Martin Semerád

marketing manager, Redbit, testimonial for AI Workflow training

Even within a few hours of trying it, I was getting significantly better texts out of ChatGPT than in all previous attempts. The fact that someone serves me such a polished manual, practically ready for copy paste, is just awesome for me as a person who doesn't have that much time to play with AI. It gave me the motivation and know-how to incorporate ChatGPT, even though I didn't like the AI from the start. Anyone who is hesitating, don't hesitate anymore.

Nikola Kozohorská - AIW

Nikola Kozohorská

freelance copywriter, testimonial for AI Workflow training

Expect not a webinar, but intensive work and individual attention from the instructors.

Don't expect a lecture where you can check Facebook or deal with emails. Set aside time and a quiet space, make yourself a cup of tea, feel free to keep your sweatpants on. The training is intense and one activity builds smoothly on the other.

You don't have to worry about not having enough space to address your project among the other participants. All projects will get plenty of space and support from the tutor.

We give the system to your AI experiments

  • No one will tell you ahead of time if and in what AI will help you. No one knows ahead of time. It is a new widely used technology. You have to experiment.
  • There is no universal training that you undergo and everything will be done. There are no magic formulas that make the AI work in your case. You have to experiment.
  • There is no central way to introduce AI into an organization. The use of AI is highly individual for each role. You have to experiment.
  • If you don't experiment, someone else will. What happens when your competition saves hundreds or thousands of hours of work a year? You have to experiment.

You have to experiment. You don't need to experiment randomly. You need a role, procedures, and relevant stimuli. There are too many tools.

It doesn't make sense to try everything. From that, there's an AI university.

Practical information

  • You buy a university membership for 3 or 12 months.
  • Materials are accessible for the duration of your membership.
  • The current price is 6.900 Kč without VAT for quarterly membership; and 19.900 Kč without VAT for annual membership. In the following years you will pay the same annual price, although the AI University will be much more extensive.
  • Tutorial videos, resources, Q&A recordings, meeting links, etc. you have in one place in It's teachable.
  • We can engage AI in the University entire teams of organizations on a single invoice. We minimize administration for you. Write to us.
  • You want to pay by transfer to invoice? Order a membership through our site. You want to by card or ApplePay/Google Pay? Order a membership directly at It's teachable.

Frequently Asked Questions

The training helped me a lot with how to implement AI into the process. Probably the most beneficial thing was getting a basic blueprint of how to write prompts correctly, what to expect from AI, where to move forward. Now with hindsight after the training, I can say that I really started using it afterwards, I started playing around with other forms of prompting and I would almost say there's not a day that goes by that I don't use AI for something.

Martin Semerád - AIW

Martin Semerád

marketing manager, Redbit, testimonial for AI Workflow training

Even within a few hours of trying it, I was getting significantly better texts out of ChatGPT than in all previous attempts. The fact that someone serves me such a polished manual, practically ready for copy paste, is just awesome for me as a person who doesn't have that much time to play with AI. It gave me the motivation and know-how to incorporate ChatGPT, even though I didn't like the AI from the start. Anyone who is hesitating, don't hesitate anymore.

Nikola Kozohorská - AIW

Nikola Kozohorská

freelance copywriter, testimonial for AI Workflow training

Incorporate AI into your organization

19.900 CZK excluding VAT per year. About 55 CZK a day. Less than coffee. Or choose a membership for only 3 months and try out what AI University has to offer.

Let me know about terms for english-speaking!

Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms for english-speaking.

Your email address

Děkujeme! Dáme vám vědět hned, jakmile vypíšeme nový termín.
Něco se bohužel pokazilo. Zkuste to, prosím, později znovu.

How do we work with your personal data? Take a look here.

Let me know about terms for english-speaking!

Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms and self-study courses for english-speaking.

Your e-mail address

Děkujeme! Dáme vám vědět hned, jakmile vypíšeme nový termín.
Něco se bohužel pokazilo. Zkuste to, prosím, později znovu.

How do we care about your personal data? Take a look here.