
Strategic design: self-study

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Annual subscription
19,900 CZK (excluding VAT)
24.079 Kč včetně DPH

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70+ videos and materials

Strategic Design: Self-study

Annual subscription
Video kurz

Self-study without live sessions, hours of know-how, Q&A recordings. Solve complex problems creatively.

! Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms and self-study courses for english-speaking.

19.900 CZK without VAT per year
6.900 CZK excluding VAT for 3 months

Less than a coffee a day
Strategic design: self-study

Minimal version of the training Strategic design. The schedule doesn't suit you. You need to solve complex problems effectively today. Gain annual access to 70+ videos and additional materials.

Dozens of participants have completed the Strategic Design course. For many, it has been life-changing.

“I use the videos from Strategic Design every time I encounter a design problem.”
“The training provided me with a new perspective on using design as a business tool. I would say that the investment in the training paid off just in the time saved before it even ended.”
“Great materials, lots of maps, diagrams, amazing aha moments. Also challenging. Absolutely wonderful.”
Want to start a business? Then browse and absorb every word!
If you want to start thinking strategically and stop impulsively jumping to the first idea that comes to mind, go to HOUSE.

I would rename this training to "Designer in 5 weeks". Because during each brisk workshop, you'll learn the entire design process - including methods, frameworks, and everything you need to be a designer. We had plenty of room for questions, the workshop on sense-making and incorporating AI into the design process was great.

Ondřej Fendrych

UX designer, Chyron

What's included

  • Guaranteed annual access to all current Strategic design materials.
  • Recordings from Q&A of all previous and future training sessions. Each cycle generates 8-12 hours of questions and answers.
  • Answers to your questions. We will record the answers as part of the Q&A of the nearest live Strategic Design training.

Strategic Design: Self-study is not a training. It does not include live practical sessions. It does not include parties. However, you can upgrade to the full training version at any time by paying the current price difference and complete the full version.

Video Course Content


We will show you how designers work and what design is. We will lay the foundation for future sessions.

Connecting design to business

We will explore the way managers think, focusing on goals, risks, and return on investment.

Workshop facilitation

We will cover the principles of leading effective workshops. You will learn to facilitate both online and offline.

Design research

We will describe how design research works and the connection between qualitative and quantitative data. We will go through 18 tactics of active listening, for example. We will teach you how to conduct interviews according to the standards of top researchers like Jan Chipcase, Teresa Torres, and Erika Hall.


We will find meaning in the research data and create frameworks tailored to the project.


We will define what strategy is and how to approach it in design projects. We delve deeper into strategy in Strategic thinking.

Collaboration with stakeholders

Engage them. Co-create. Work even with those who are dissatisfied.

Ideation & Sketching

Brainstorming doesn't work. What does work? Inventing, improving, critiquing, and enriching ideas in a structured way.

Idea validation

We will teach you how to quickly, roughly, and inexpensively validate ideas for features, products, and services with management involvement.

Design Ops

We will explore the current possibilities of AI. We will describe digital design tools, knowledge storage, and work processes.

Přehled aktuálních termínů a časů

Annual subscription
Video kurz

In training, we learned how to effectively solve complex problems. On the basis of data and without unnecessary waste. I take away a number of techniques that I can immediately use in practice. Design probes, frameworks, facilitation, presentation and idea generation.

Tomáš Páral – SD

Tomáš Páral

CEO, MoroSystems

Strategic design is like a cookbook for a designer. If you don't know how to improve as a designer and where to go, this course is the place to come to it.

Jakub Komenda - SD

Jakub Komenda


Member section content

We continuously improve the theoretical foundation of Strategic Design. Our goal is to make it as useful as possible for you. So far, we have recorded over 70 videos. And alongside them, of course, additional materials. You can be sure that this is not all.

At Strategic Design you will learn things that you will not learn at any other course in the Czech Republic. You will learn how to think about them. And how the big boys and girls do design.

Petr Bechyně - SD

Petr Bechyně

freelance UX designer and web analyst

Strategic design is a must-have for designers. One of the most important parts of training for me was stakeholder management, influence tactics and emotional resilience. In our company, I will use a few of the things we discussed.

Elmar Cendelín - SD

Elmar Cendelín

Innovation Manager, EXX HOLDING

Expect not a webinar, but intensive work and individual attention from the instructors.

Don't expect a lecture where you can check Facebook or deal with emails. Set aside time and a quiet space, make yourself a cup of tea, feel free to keep your sweatpants on. The training is intense and one activity builds smoothly on the other.

You don't have to worry about not having enough space to address your project among the other participants. All projects will get plenty of space and support from the tutor.

How does it work?

  • We will invite you to Teachable. It will contain a bunch of our videos and other resources.
  • Go through the course at your own pace. Go back to topics, skip.
  • Feel free to ask questions and we'll answer them at the next live Q&A. You can find the recording in Teachable.
  • You can upgrade to the full training version at any time. We'll give you a discount equal to the amount you paid for Strategic Design: self-study.
  • Access is guaranteed for 1 year. After that you will still have access to the materials as long as we pay Teachable. It won't be forever, and we have no plans to cancel it today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will Strategic Design: self-study bring me?

You will get access to all the materials of our classic Strategic Design training, which dozens of designers have already undergone. We have a proven system for working on complex problems. It combines our many years of know-how, customer focus and idea validation. This is useful if you do, manage, or commission such projects. Examples will be from the world of digital projects — websites, applications, customer journey development, marketing. Skills are universal. You will go through the course at your own pace, you are not tied to specific meeting dates.

What is included in the price of self-study?

Annual access to teachable where all the training videos go. We plan to expand them further. After each live session, the full version of the training is followed by a Q&A where we answer your questions as well. We will record the Q&A so you can come back to them.

What happens when a year has passed since you bought access?

The accesses will remain for you after this time. We're not cutting you off. At the same time, we cannot guarantee that we will pay Teachable forever. Nor that we keep updating the videos and adding Q&A. That's why we guarantee you a year of full access to all training materials.

I am a designer and I am not sure if the course is for me.

As a designer, you either draw images based on assignments or proactively create such assignments... and for this you need to facilitate workshops, do customer research, design strategy, and verify that your designs work. All of this is the content of the course.

I am a manager and I am hesitant as to whether the course is for me.

As a manager, you will be put in front of complex problems that you need to solve. You can't do that on your own. You need to effectively facilitate teamwork, foster a safe environment, get relevant feedback from customers, set a strategy, or validate your ideas before you spend too much money on the wrong direction of a project. All of this is the content of the course.

I am a copywriter and I am hesitant as to whether the course is for me.

As a copywriter, you either write texts based on assignments or you proactively create such assignments... and for this you need to facilitate workshops, do customer research, design strategy and verify that your texts work. All of this is the content of the course.

I fail to convince my boss that training makes sense.

Send the boss to Strategic thinking. When they change their approach to strategy, they change their approach to dealing with strategic projects. It will require you to have design skills.

I'm a student and I don't have that much money...

Let us know at skoleni@houseofrezac.com and we'll try to work something out.

At Strategic Design you will learn things that you will not learn at any other course in the Czech Republic. You will learn how to think about them. And how the big boys and girls do design.

Petr Bechyně - SD

Petr Bechyně

freelance UX designer and web analyst

Strategic design is a must-have for designers. One of the most important parts of training for me was stakeholder management, influence tactics and emotional resilience. In our company, I will use a few of the things we discussed.

Elmar Cendelín - SD

Elmar Cendelín

Innovation Manager, EXX HOLDING

Gain Access

19,900 CZK (excluding VAT)

Let me know about terms for english-speaking!

Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms for english-speaking.

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How do we work with your personal data? Take a look here.

Let me know about terms for english-speaking!

Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms and self-study courses for english-speaking.

Your e-mail address

Děkujeme! Dáme vám vědět hned, jakmile vypíšeme nový termín.
Něco se bohužel pokazilo. Zkuste to, prosím, později znovu.

How do we care about your personal data? Take a look here.