
Strategic thinking: self-study

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Annual subscription
19,900 CZK (excluding VAT)
24.079 včetně DPH

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Strategic Thinking: self-study

Annual subscription

Utilize modern strategic frameworks. Situational awareness. Competitive advantage. Decision making. Idea validation.

! Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms and self-study courses for english-speaking.

19.900 CZK without VAT per year
6.900 CZK excluding VAT for 3 months

Less than a coffee a day
Strategic thinking: self-study

Minimal version of the training Strategic Thinking. If the dates don't suit you, and you need to reflect on the future today, gain annual access to over 50 videos and additional materials.

Dozens of participants have gone through Strategic Thinking. It has changed the lives of many.

“Strategic frameworks now play a crucial role in our workflows. The design probes we learned to use have become an indispensable element in preparing innovative products.”
“I took away a lot of insights and aha moments that I will work with and revisit in the coming months and years.”
“After this course, it's hard to go back; the practice finds you on its own.”
Three intense days. I highly recommend it to anyone unfamiliar with the concept of strategy and who feels overwhelmed by endless operational tasks.

The course is great. I dare to say that I haven't had such a beneficial training in a couple of years, and I've been through quite a few different foreign workshops or tailor-made training. I'm really impressed. Now I just have to keep putting it into practice.

Jenda Perla

Business Consultant for Marketing & Sales

What's Included

  • Annual access to all current materials of Strategic Thinking.
  • Recordings from Q&A sessions of all past and future training cycles. Each cycle generates 3-4 hours of questions and answers.
  • Answers to your questions. We will record the answers as part of the Q&A of the next live Strategic Thinking training.

Strategic Thinking: self-study is not a training. It does not include live practical sessions. It does not include parties. However, you can upgrade to the full version at any time by paying the current price difference.

Course Content

Strategic Thinking

First Wardley Map

Wardley Maps

Building long-term competitive advantage

Cynefin framework

Idea validation

Ideal Present

Additional useful frameworks


Přehled aktuálních termínů a časů

Annual subscription

The training was great in its breadth and scope. I took away a lot of suggestions and aha moments that I will work with and revisit in the months and years to come. The biggest aha moment was that frameworks like Wardley's maps are especially useful as a tool for discussing strategy. They shine a light on a given subject from X different perspectives and open up a host of questions that one wouldn't think of on their own. Strategic thinking has exceeded my expectations.

Michal Polášek - SM

Michal Polášek

Founder and CEO, igloonet

Member section content

We continuously improve the theoretical foundation of Strategic Thinking. Our goal is to make it as useful as possible for you. So far, we have recorded over 30 videos, along with additional materials. Rest assured, this is not all.

The training focused on developing strategic thinking was not only inspiring for me, but also wonderfully useful in the long run. The frameworks implemented now play a key role in our workflows. The design probes we learned to use have become an indispensable element in the development of innovative products. With this new perspective on strategic thinking, our corporate compass is now pointing towards success.

Jan Lenčo - SM

Jan Lenčo

Co-founder Party Kýbl

I must say that Honza Řezáč gave us a really great and inspiring training. I was satisfied with the experience and would definitely recommend this training to others who also want to improve their strategic thinking.

Michal Krutiš - SM

Michal Krutiš


I presented our product guys with a selection of tools from Strategic Thinking and it was a great success! We will continue to do so.

David Urban - SM

David Urban

Principal designer, VisionApps

Expect not a webinar, but intensive work and individual attention from the instructors.

Don't expect a lecture where you can check Facebook or deal with emails. Set aside time and a quiet space, make yourself a cup of tea, feel free to keep your sweatpants on. The training is intense and one activity builds smoothly on the other.

You don't have to worry about not having enough space to address your project among the other participants. All projects will get plenty of space and support from the tutor.

How does it work?

  • We will invite you to Teachable. It will contain a wealth of our videos and additional resources.
  • Go through the training at your own pace. Revisit topics as needed, skip sections as you wish.
  • You can ask questions and we will answer during the next live training Q&A session. The recording will be available in Teachable.
  • You can always upgrade to full version of the training. We will give you a discount equivalent to the amount you paid for Strategic Thinking: Self-study.
  • Your access is guaranteed for 1 year. Afterward, you will still have access to the materials as long as we continue to pay for Teachable. It won't be forever, but we currently have no plans to discontinue it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will Strategic Thinking: Self-study bring me?

You will gain access to all the materials of our classic Strategic Thinking training, which dozens of managers and entrepreneurs have already undergone. You will learn how to work with strategic frameworks. Thanks to them, you will see the situation from new angles. He will emphasize something. Suppresses something. You get a pitch that your competition doesn't have. You start discussing other areas than you have so far. You will make better and clearer decisions than before. You will go through the course at your own pace, you are not tied to specific meeting dates.

What is included in the price of self-study?

Annual access to teachable where all the training videos go. We plan to expand them further. After each live session, the full version of the training is followed by a Q&A where we answer your questions as well. We will record the Q&A so you can come back to them.

What happens when a year has passed since you bought access?

The accesses will remain for you after this time. We're not cutting you off. At the same time, we cannot guarantee that we will pay Teachable forever. Nor that we keep updating the videos and adding Q&A. That's why we guarantee you a year of full access to all training materials.

I'm a student and I don't have that much money...

Let us know at skoleni@houseofrezac.com and we'll try to work something out.

The training focused on developing strategic thinking was not only inspiring for me, but also wonderfully useful in the long run. The frameworks implemented now play a key role in our workflows. The design probes we learned to use have become an indispensable element in the development of innovative products. With this new perspective on strategic thinking, our corporate compass is now pointing towards success.

Jan Lenčo - SM

Jan Lenčo

Co-founder Party Kýbl

I must say that Honza Řezáč gave us a really great and inspiring training. I was satisfied with the experience and would definitely recommend this training to others who also want to improve their strategic thinking.

Michal Krutiš - SM

Michal Krutiš


I presented our product guys with a selection of tools from Strategic Thinking and it was a great success! We will continue to do so.

David Urban - SM

David Urban

Principal designer, VisionApps

Gain access

19,900 CZK (excluding VAT)

Let me know about terms for english-speaking!

Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms for english-speaking.

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Děkujeme! Dáme vám vědět hned, jakmile vypíšeme nový termín.
Něco se bohužel pokazilo. Zkuste to, prosím, později znovu.

How do we work with your personal data? Take a look here.

Let me know about terms for english-speaking!

Currently we organise all trainings only for czech-speaking audience. If you're interested, leave your e-mail and we'll let you know once we set up the terms and self-study courses for english-speaking.

Your e-mail address

Děkujeme! Dáme vám vědět hned, jakmile vypíšeme nový termín.
Něco se bohužel pokazilo. Zkuste to, prosím, později znovu.

How do we care about your personal data? Take a look here.