House of Řezáč
Let yourself be inspired. From the use of AI in marketing, business and internal processes, to managing digital projects and company management.
Topics of 2024
In 2024, we've created a ton of content for you. January is such a slow moving month. A lot of you go to the mountains. Take our reading and listening sessions with you.

Every year is different. Unlike 2020, when COVID led to mass project cancellations, we faced no crisis this year. However, we didn’t grow either—and it wasn’t for lack of effort.
Trainings 2025
In 2025, we will hold 4 trainings. You know three, the fourth is news. Strategically direct your organization. You deal with complex projects. You introduce AI into the organization.

House of Řezáč in 2019
The turn of the year is a time for recap and reflection. Before Christmas we did it together in a team, now I will try it again myself.