Razor sharp blog

Let yourself be inspired. From the use of AI in marketing, business and internal processes, to managing digital projects and company management.

AI marketing

AI marketing

Do you know intermittent equilibrium? Business runs steadily—people work, follow routines, use tools—until a major shift, like the rise of television, disrupts the norm.

AI Content Recycling

AI Content Recycling

“I saw you on TikTok!” stated on the phone last week by a potential client. OK, it feels like our AI marketing communications are working. LinkedIn numbers are falling. We tried three new channels.

Three Faces of Business

Three Faces of Business

Business has three essential parts: mining for prosperity, exploration for growth, and standardization for the future. Together, they form a unified whole.

Educating others

Educating others

You have experience and consider teaching. Welcome. We’ve been doing it for over 10 years—professionally and for a price. Learning isn’t just lecturing, and it’s costly.

Design in 2025

Design in 2025

Digital design in 2025? Dark to dystopian. Moreover, the world really doesn't care about the suffering of well-paid white collar workers. Us. Designers. And I'm thinking... it's about time.

The war of e-shops and the future of e-commerce

The war of e-shops and the future of e-commerce

Socials podcast: How will marketplaces reshape Czech e-commerce? Which businesses can’t compete? How can you stay ahead?

Topics of 2024

Topics of 2024

In 2024, we've created a ton of content for you. January is such a slow moving month. A lot of you go to the mountains. Take our reading and listening sessions with you.



Every year is different. Unlike 2020, when COVID led to mass project cancellations, we faced no crisis this year. However, we didn’t grow either—and it wasn’t for lack of effort.

Writing a book

Writing a book

Every once in a while someone asks me if I write these newsletters myself. Every once in a while someone asks me if I've written a razor-sharp Web. Now imagine if I answered NO.

Managerial intuition

Managerial intuition

Many CEOs believe leadership is lonely and driven by intuition. But it doesn’t have to be. Smart decisions come from data, not just gut feeling.

Trainings 2025

Trainings 2025

In 2025, we will hold 4 trainings. You know three, the fourth is news. Strategically direct your organization. You deal with complex projects. You introduce AI into the organization.

Web and e-shop 2025

Web and e-shop 2025

What should you do with your website or e-shop? You have many ideas, but the answer is: “It depends!”—which isn’t helpful until you ask, “What truly matters?”

September, a month sharp as a razor

September, a month sharp as a razor

Razor-sharp web. It's been 10 years since the first edition was published. I've been posting updates on LinkedIN all month on topics from the book. What's changed-What hasn't changed. Find them below.



What matters is how customers feel about their purchase—online or in-store. A great experience boosts revenue. Omnichannel is a strategic choice.

E-shop War II

E-shop War II

Strategy of a small e-shop up to CZK 1 billion in turnover. How does it work? You get to know customers, sharpen the brand, sharpen communication, start working with customer data in detail.

E-shop war

E-shop war

Earlier this year, Temu entered our market. Chinese marketplace with cheap goods of all kinds. What are we gonna get, I'm in it too. I predict Temu and other marketplaces will flood our market.



Banks. Giant buildings. You run into one every once in a while. When was the last time you were in a bank? At the same time, you were only there because IT couldn't be done in the app, right?

AI Transformation

AI Transformation

Generative AI is changing the way we work. Not just as individuals. It changes the way entire organizations work. Increases efficiency, enables faster innovation and provides new opportunities.

Digital is not a house

Digital is not a house

Building a house is predictable—we know the process. But applying the same logic to digital projects fails. A graphic designer isn’t an architect.

China — EU — Tesla — VW

China — EU — Tesla — VW

In 2040, the most common car on Czech roads will be BYD. It doesn't even have an official presence here today. VW and ŠKODA will cease to exist by 2050.

How to cast in the open market

How to cast in the open market

Most websites brag about it. They mostly talk about how the company is great, innovative and pro-customer. And yet, you will not find much about customer problems on such a site.

Times have changed. Learn to use AI

Times have changed. Learn to use AI

John is a Renaissance personality. He can do a lot of things and it's hard to put them into text. Assembling his medallion is really a problem. That's why we agreed to have an interview.

MASTERCLASS: Marketing in the Age of AI

MASTERCLASS: Marketing in the Age of AI

Increase the efficiency of your marketing activities with generative AI. In the webinar recording, we will show you how to do it.

When Facilitation Theory Meets People

When Facilitation Theory Meets People

You had a beautifully prepared workshop. Even so, the store manager just yells at you that it's a waste of his time. Julie shows you what it looks like when facilitation theory meets people.

ShopCamp 2023: What you want to measure in your GA4

ShopCamp 2023: What you want to measure in your GA4

Google Analytics 4 offers more customization than UA. How? What insights can you get, and how to use the data? Pavel explained it at ShopCamp 2023.

You'll surf the AI wave and see where you go

You'll surf the AI wave and see where you go

From a memorable outfit, to e-shops, workshops and marketing trainings, creating razor-sharp websites to the burning topic of implementing AI in the marketing process.

From Coder to Analyst: Why Change Your Field

From Coder to Analyst: Why Change Your Field

Years ago, I worked as a programmer. Then I realized that data analysis made more sense to me. Below, I've outlined 5 reasons why you, as coders, should also consider web analytics.

Proč (ne)překlopit freelance do malé agentury

Proč (ne)překlopit freelance do malé agentury

Co by dnes chtěl Jan vědět o přechodu z volné nohy a stavění malé agentury? Jaké AI nástroje používá a co je nejmaržovější produkt v agenturním byznyse?

Neřešte web, řešte komunikaci se zákazníkem

Neřešte web, řešte komunikaci se zákazníkem

Jak udělat web, který mi přivede zákazníky a jejich byznys? Jaké otázky si potřebuji položit? A jak si na to vybrat dodavatele?

Jak se stát webovým analytikem

Jak se stát webovým analytikem

Data jsou klíčová. Všichni chtějí investovat jen do fungujících věcí. Jak toho dosáhnout v online prostředí? Díky webové analytice. Kdo je webový analytik? Jaká data zpracovává? A jak v oboru začít?

[TUTORIAL] Why you want to use GTM on the web

[TUTORIAL] Why you want to use GTM on the web

You want to measure customer behavior and drive your business. So you have Google Analytics, Hotjar and probably a few other measuring codes installed on the site. You can manage them all in one tool.

What is Server-Side Measurement

What is Server-Side Measurement

Heard of server-side Google Tag Manager? It’s the key to faster load times and better marketing attribution.

Measurement and marketing without cookies

Measurement and marketing without cookies

In 2022, a new amendment to the Electronic Communications Act takes effect. What changes will it bring, and how can you ensure compliant marketing and metering?

Kde by měl začít začínající webový analytik

Kde by měl začít začínající webový analytik

Webová analytika je průřezový obor. Člověk musí být tak trochu programátor, markeťák a trochu i designer. Sepsali jsme pár užitečných zdrojů, které by začínající webový analytik rozhodně neměl minout.

Digital Product Management

Digital Product Management

Top organizations know a website isn’t enough—they need results. But intent and execution often clash, with logic and reality pulling in different directions.

New marketing

New marketing

I’ve been a marketer out of necessity for years, handling all 4Ps to keep my business going. Over time, I’ve noticed many challenges. Here’s my vision for marketing in the next decade.

Vzhůru dolů: Jan Řezáč o Webflow CMS

Vzhůru dolů: Jan Řezáč o Webflow CMS

Jaké jsou Janovy zkušenosti s Webflow a dalšími NoCode nástroji? Na jak velké projekty se hodí Webflow? A jaká omezení má Webflow?

O zpackaných výběrových řízení na weby

O zpackaných výběrových řízení na weby

Zakladatele rodu House of Řezáč jsme pozvali v reakci na jeho nedávný text Proč MENDELU vyhodí 5,4 milionů korun z okna. Proč jsou výběrka (pořád) tak špatná a dá se s tím něco dělat?

Why MENDELU throws 5.4 million crowns out the window

Why MENDELU throws 5.4 million crowns out the window

Today, let's take a look at the issue of tenders for digital projects. I would refer to this field as a royal consulting discipline.

It's time for the new Google Analytics

It's time for the new Google Analytics

It's high time to get Google Analytics 4 up and running alongside your regular Google Analytics. In the following article you will find out why.

Website Testing

Website Testing

Some politicians feel that more COVID-19 testing means more coronavirus cases. What does this have to do with your site? More than you think.

Pillars of Marketing Communication

Pillars of Marketing Communication

We redesigned the site! And what impact did it have on your business? Well, we have a new website... and it's really nice.

Increase Our Conversion Rate

Increase Our Conversion Rate

Occasionally, we receive a request stating: "We have an online store and we need to increase the conversion rate. Guarantee that you will increase our conversion rate by X."

The Web is Your Main Salesperson

The Web is Your Main Salesperson

The last 3 weeks have been filled with news about the epidemic and rapid changes. They are overwhelming, urgent, and crisis-driven. Perfect for journalists and politicians, but not for me.

Remote Workshops

Remote Workshops

We could have sewed veils. We preferred to create something that could help you with remote work. We summarize our current findings for online workshops and meeting facilitation.

House of Řezáč in 2019

House of Řezáč in 2019

The turn of the year is a time for recap and reflection. Before Christmas we did it together in a team, now I will try it again myself.

Developing products and services with Opportunity Solution Tree

Developing products and services with Opportunity Solution Tree

Building a service, product, or company is tough, but you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. The right tools can make all the difference—if you use them wisely.

Leader Tools — Models, Frameworks, Maps

Leader Tools — Models, Frameworks, Maps

If you want to achieve different results than before, you have to start doing something different. If you want to do something differently, you have to start thinking about it differently.

Are you going to create a website? Don't forget the contract...

Are you going to create a website? Don't forget the contract...

The law firm SEDLAKOVA LEGAL specializes in technology law and has created a practical-legal part of the methodology for Web Audit.

Web development

Web development

In 2014, I published the first Czech book on the razor-sharp Web design process. Five years later, it’s still relevant, though web technologies have evolved.

User research

User research

User (marketing) research makes sense to do at the moment when there is some important, expensive, or risky decision in front of you that you would otherwise build on your assumptions and intuition.

Website measurement 1: What is your data for?

Website measurement 1: What is your data for?

Few companies start a web project knowing what to measure and why. Some have a vague idea, while others rely on their marketing agency’s recommendations.

The twilight of marketing communications

The twilight of marketing communications

Marketers. I’m one of them. Many see us as mere salespeople—and it’s our fault. We’re not marketing ourselves enough.

Redesign Lasvit.com

Redesign Lasvit.com

Lasvit, a Czech luxury brand, crafts designer glass for top global spaces—and even your home or yacht.

Website Ecosystem Redesign

Website Ecosystem Redesign

Redesigning an entire web ecosystem takes courage—it’s a long, costly project demanding strong collaboration and high expectations for all involved.

What is Strategic Research?

What is Strategic Research?

Together with the new training, we introduced the term strategic research, which stands for strategic approach to user research.

A pak že se spokojenost nedá měřit!

A pak že se spokojenost nedá měřit!

Na webech veřejné správy nejde o zisk, leady ani jiné konverze. Jak tedy vyhodnotit, že změny vedly k lepšímu? Jak vyčíslit spokojenost lidí s webem a vyhodnotit redesign netransakčního webu?

User Testing #3: Scenario

User Testing #3: Scenario

Do you wear glasses? What? But yes, you carry. Every one of us has them. I, apart from the dioptric ones, wear the same imaginary glasses as you do to look at the world.

The Myth of the Genius Designer (and Client)

The Myth of the Genius Designer (and Client)

Projects often fall for the myth of the genius designer and the all-knowing client—the designer magically creates a perfect solution from thin air, purely by talent.

User Testing #2: Selecting Respondents

User Testing #2: Selecting Respondents

Why to test, what is the testing process, and how to recruit respondents on an ongoing basis, we discussed in the first part about user testing. Today we will look at screening.

The End of Business Dinosaurs in the Czech Republic

The End of Business Dinosaurs in the Czech Republic

Does your project have clear priorities or are you just wasting money and energy on everything and nothing?

Redesign Go To Brno

Redesign Go To Brno

Portál Go To Brno v minulosti proslul zejména malými fotografiemi brněnských paneláků, kreativním využitím Google Translatoru a abecedními seznamy míst, kam nikdo nechce.

User Testing #1

User Testing #1

Testing after coffee shops is cool. You can test with anyone. Rapid testing requires essentially no preparation. If only that were true...